Properties for Lease & Rent
Centron is known across the province and Western Canada for the success of its commercial development projects. Projects that involve a myriad of skill sets, from land acquisition, visioning and financing to leasing and property management. And the most notable result can be found in the satisfaction of tenants. Centron has worked with a wide range of private businesses, publicly traded corporations, non-profit and government organizations on solving their facility challenges. At Centron, tenants and leases are more than just a name and a contract. Centron works diligently at all phases of its business to ensure the outcomes of commercial development meet and exceed the needs of the tenant and to our own high standards. Committed relationships with commercial brokerages are a key component of this satisfaction. Ask our past and current tenants, we’re confident of what you will learn: Centron is the trusted development expert, delivering quality projects to tenants.