Centron Cares

Centron strongly believes in giving back to the community. We know that our expertise and experience in real estate development and construction, through our Centron Cares program, can provide an invaluable gift to local Not-For-Profit organizations with their facilities requirements.



Centron Cares

The Goals of Centron Cares

Our goal is to help where we can provide worthwhile and meaningful projects in our community for a greater purpose by:

  • Aligning and helping control the goals of the organization with the development process.
  • Helping organizations stretch their precious construction dollars wisely through value engineering, design and construction execution.
  • Aiding in the development process, to ensure efficiencies and timelines are being met with no surprises.
  • Providing complete construction management and if needed real estate development services.
  • Helping with fundraising efforts.
  • Helping ensure organizations are getting the best pricing, the highest quality and the quickest turnaround in the industry.
  • Wherever possible, provide potential opportunities for employment and mentorship to people within the not for profit organizations themselves.
  • Helping to raise awareness of the organizations good work.
  • Introducing organizations to other networks of people also interested in helping.





Valuable Organizations Centron Cares is Currently Working With


MUSTARD SEED - OGDEN HUB:29 Ogden Hub:29 is a 5-storey multi-use building located within the community of Ogden with a dedicated 3 storeys of 24 suites of permanent supportive housing for families facing extreme economic challenges. Services will include affordable daycare, on-site health and wellness care, employment coaching, and many other critically needed programs.


Valuable Organizations Centron Cares Has Helped


Inn from the ColdLaunched by Inn from the Cold, Journey House is a supported housing model designed to reduce the length of stay in emergency shelter and support single mothers and their children to be better prepared for long-term self-sufficiency and housing stability. With Centron Cares help, IFTC is renovating a 10 Unit residential building in Crescent Height to help their vision to provide a community where no child or family is homeless.


Accessible HousingNine agencies in Calgary have partnered under the RESOLVE umbrella to build affordable and supported housing for 3000 homeless Calgarians. In this case, for Accessible Housing, Centron Cares is constructing a 50, 838 sq. ft. Residential Care facility for limited mobility residents. Set for completion by the summer of 2017, Centron is confident that this facility will ensure the social connection and warmth of home.


Hull ServicesCentron, through Centron Cares is working with Hull Services to create a building for the Preadolescent Treatment Program (PTP). The residential program is dedicated to serving at-risk children ages 6-12 years who require intensive treatment due to maladaptive behaviors. Centron Cares is proud to be involved with this important project which will stand as a legacy to helping Calgary’s at-risk children and their families.
EvenStartThe new Evenstart facility; started in the spring of 2016, will be home to Calgary’s children who are challenged by trauma, abuse and poverty. This Centron Cares built facility is to be completed by late 2016.  Feature amenities include art rooms, winter gardens and classrooms. Centron is honored to take part in some of the major steps it takes to see Evenstart’s vision for disadvantaged children.
“The EvenStart project has been a vision for over 20 years – a building that would be created from the ground up, through the eyes of a child. Centron took our vision and made it a reality. And they did it in record time. Each day they were on the project ensuring that the end product would meet our needs. We now have a wonderful facility located in Mayland Heights, serving the needs of young children challenged by life circumstances.
Ilona Boyce – Founder & Executive Director for EvenStart for Children’s Society


Hull ServicesReplacing an existing building located at the Hull Services southwest campus and used for the treatment of children facing significant mental health challenges, Centron, through the Centron Cares division, constructed a new secure services building that will provide a safe environment for youth in dire need.
Together with Centron’s loyal consultant group, valued trades & suppliers with smart planning, cooperation and collaboration by all, the building was completed ahead of schedule and under budget in February 2016.
"The Centron Group of Companies, through Centron Cares, was invaluable to our organization in building a new state-of-the-art treatment facility; On time and budget this well thought out space will serve generations of Calgary’s children and their families who face serious mental health challenges. Centron and its people do care with Hull Services experiencing this first hand."
George Ghitan - Executive Director Hull Child & Family Services


Lion's Club of CalgaryCentron Cares became involved with the Lions Club of Calgary, providing full development and construction services for Lions Village – a 92 unit affordable housing project for seniors. Centron was able to help the Lions develop relationships with the trades and consultants who became an integral source of additional funding and in kind contributions for Lion’s Village.
Knowing that it would be beneficial to all involved, construction was completed considerably ahead of schedule. This not only contributed to the reduction of interest charges on the project, but enabled residents to move in much sooner than anticipated. Once complete, Centron added to their contribution by donating to the Lions Club of Calgary. The partnership between Centron Cares and The Lions Club of Calgary created a mutually beneficial relationship that brought a worthy project to fruition, which Centron is most proud of.
“Centron was an amazing organization to work with and they helped in many ways to make our project better. We will continue to have a great relationship with Centron.”
Otto Silzer – Lions Club of Calgary


Foothills Academy SocietyCentron was involved with the original construction of Foothills Academy School in Calgary, AB. Centron has established a long-standing relationship with Foothills Academy and continuously supports the academy through donated development and construction expertise as well as the support of funding initiatives.
“This group of professionals was outstanding to work with in every regard; they completed our building project ahead of schedule and under budget. Very importantly they have become important resources to us and freely share informed education to us on request.”
Gordon M. Bullivant – Foothills Academy


Centron provides many services to DDRC including the original construction of their office space, tenant relocation and help through monetary donations.
“I will forever be grateful for the support offered to us at DDRC as we ventured into the social enterprise arena. They were so instrumental in our learning and success. Thank you again for this!”
- Patti Morris – DDRC


In 2009 Centron announced a program that would gift the use of two homes in Grande Prairie to non-profit organizations. After considering many great organizations, Centron selected Rising Above for their newly created women's program. Over the 73+ months of usage, Centron and Rising Above helped over 50 women get back on their feet to begin their journey of recovery.
“We are deeply indebted to The Centron Group for their incredible generosity. That generosity has been instrumental in making Rising Above a success, and has inspired others to step up so we can continue to provide housing to those "stuck in Cycles of Defeat.”
- Mel Siggelkow - Rising Above


Other Valuable Organizations Centron Cares has worked with

Calgary Drop in Centre
Wellspring Calgary
Operation Eyesight


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If your organization could use our assistance, please get in touch.

Allison Clark - Development Manager

P: 403 252-1120

E: AClark@CentronGroup.com


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    Centron Cares is proud to announce its partnership with Foothills Academy in support of their Mountains and Marathons fundraiser. Centron has been involved with Foothills Academy...
    PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE Recently Inn from the Cold acquired a second Journey House building located in the community of Bridgeland for the purposes of providing supportive housing...